The Farm Tender Hay Report – The cross over of Hay and Harvest
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Nov 19, 2019
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The cross over of Hay and Harvest
For the fortnight up to the 20th of November 2019
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It's been a pretty full-on fortnight since our last report. Just looking at the spreadsheets, Vetch, Barley, Wheaten, Oaten and Canola Hay has been the most popular traded Hay. Straw has also been sought after, mainly going into Mixer Wagons in Feedlots.
For those lucky enough, the cross over between the Hay season and Grain Harvest has kept Farmers very busy. Also, the demand for Straw is seeing contractors continuing their runs behind the Header.
Baling has finished for some, part-way through for others and the guys further South are gearing up to launch.
The guys are reporting that according to the Hay tests that are coming in, it looks like it's a pretty good season for high-quality Hay.
The good news is that we haven't seen a great deal of rain-affected Hay from the weather system that went through a couple of weeks ago.
Mike reports that heavy bales, good photos and feed tests are essential when selling Hay that has to go a decent distance.
The fires have been awful, to anyone that has been affected, we wish them all the best. From what I can glean, the fires have favoured the bushland more so than Farmland.
We are holding a Hay Auction on the 11th of December; we will have some good tonnages on offer and there is still spots available if you want to sell. We will have the catalogue out soon. For more info, contact Robbie McKenzie on 0413 700 988.
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Here are some of the quotes from the last fortnight of sales:
The market for Vetch Hay is standing up. Prices have remained in and around the $300/mt mark with demand and sales substantial. Buyers look to be trying to stockpile the protein Hay.Cereal Hay has planted itself at around the $230/mt or a little bit better, ex Wimmera and in that line from East to West. SA Cereal prices are similar through the Mid North region. This price range is slightly back on the previous fortnight, but overall the market is pretty steady for the Cereal job.
Pretty much every Canola Hay sale has been at $250/mt neat.
Wheaten and Barley Straw has been very popular with most sales from Grain growing areas in Victoria, SA and as far up as Griffith (NSW), making $130-$145/mt ex paddock. The Straw currently being baled is of good colour.
The sale of round rolls is yet to really kick into gear.
The guys out of the PAC in Elmore are selling plenty of Lucerne Eco Bales into NSW retail stores at $17/Bale ex Elmore. Oaten Hay Eco's are making $11.50/Bale Ex Elmore. The PAC guys are also reporting good sales of Hay Tarps, Twine, Wrap and Hay additives.
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We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Sales people have to say:
Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Buyers are looking for quality. Heavy, high-density bales are very popular for distance buyers, feed tests and photos are a must, and file photos generally don't cut it. I am starting to get inquiries on Straw as a cheaper option as the Harvest kicks into gear in southern New South Wales, SA and Victoria. Please note, with the fires in northern New South Wales and Queensland, carriers please check on road conditions before leaving or delivering Hay
Mike said - Buyers are looking for quality. Heavy, high-density bales are very popular for distance buyers, feed tests and photos are a must, and file photos generally don't cut it. I am starting to get inquiries on Straw as a cheaper option as the Harvest kicks into gear in southern New South Wales, SA and Victoria. Please note, with the fires in northern New South Wales and Queensland, carriers please check on road conditions before leaving or delivering Hay
Paul Grayling - Northern Vic based
Paul said - New-season Straw has started to hit the market. With prices ranging from $100-$150/mt depending on what it is and where its located. Cereal Hay is also moving along at around the $230/mt plus mark. Be mindful of getting Hay with a feed test as most are testing up well with some testing better than others. Vetch Hay is holding at around the $300/mt. We haven't seen a lot of rain-affected Hay as yet but it will be out there and should command a lower price.Bonnie Kenner - North East Vic based
Bonnie said - There are plenty of enquiries coming in for Hay at the moment with some large parcels being secured. Buyers are keen to see feed tests which have started coming back now with most Hay testing up quite well. With Vetch Hay sitting at around the $300/mt mark, it's very popular at the moment, and we’re seeing some good quality. With harvest having started in some areas, there is already quite a bit of enquiry happening for Cereal Straw as well.Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee based
Shane said - Busier fortnight in sales, plenty more coming on the market with better baling conditions. Vetch Hay holding firm with cereal easing a little in price. Feed Tests are coming in thick and fast, with many more to come..
Shane said - Busier fortnight in sales, plenty more coming on the market with better baling conditions. Vetch Hay holding firm with cereal easing a little in price. Feed Tests are coming in thick and fast, with many more to come..
Keep at it
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For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
DelayPay is for both Buyers and Sellers
Get payment terms for buyers and payment security for sellers - If you are keen to know more ring Dwain 0427 011 900 or Kelsey 0409 117 730
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