Farm Tender

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Volume 16 - Conditions changing by the day

Conditions changing by the day

Things have changed dramatically since the Hay Report two weeks ago. With stuff all, or no rain, in that period, the number of paddocks being cut for Hay and Silage has increased dramatically as the dry conditions spread further East and South. Frost has also come into play and has been particularly devastating in WA where things are looking good.

With all the Crops being cut, the whole Grain scenario has become very interesting and many Grain users are worried where it's all going to come from.

With all the crop being felled, there is also an increasing number of paddocks that arent worth even making into Hay or Silage due to the lack of bulk.

We are a little uncertain of what volumes of Hay will be around and will only get some sort of idea when more bales start hitting the ground. 

The Canola harvest has taken a huge hit as many of these crops have been felled, Farmers are cutting Cereal paddocks in large numbers as well. There will be minimal Vetch, Clover or Lucerne Hay around of any quality. Pasture will be no existant except for maybe in Southern Victoria and South East of South Australia.

As for pricing, it's still up in the air with many buyers understanably been no commital until a decend volume of stock gets baled. The talk is up to $300 for Cereal, a little less for Canola depending on the test and up to $400 for Vetch pending the test

We are also encouraging everyone to get their Hay tested, buyers need these test results to make buying decisions

Farm Tender has partnered with Stocka who is supplying Hay payment protection insurance. In this volitile market, it's great to have that peace of mind when selling anything. Call Kelsey on 0409 117 730 for more infomation or click on the link here.

Farm Tender is also doing an upgrade to the Hay and Silage Category so people can drill down more and more to find the Hay they are looking much easier and quicker. Watch this space for further updates

We have decided to pull our table of prices until the new season gets well underway, the reason being is that it doesn't reflect where the market is at currently

The next report will be in two weeks time.

For more information contact the following:
John Drum – 0408 504 561 or
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)

Come to our "Prime" Ag Centre Open/Launch Day on the 4th of October in Elmore - Click here for more