Farm Tender

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Volume 4

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Volume 4

Slight increase in the price of Vetch Hay as demand skyrockets

Hay demand is as strong as we have seen it for some time now with the Monday just gone the busiest day recorded for Hay enquiry on Farm Tender. 

We have seen Vetch Hay Prices lift on average around $5 over the last fortnight.

A lot of the trade in the last fortnight has been Farmer to Farmer lots of smaller type parcels as livestock producers brace themselves for what might be a tough late Autumn and Winter period ahead

Vetch Hay was the leading seller for this period closely followed by Oaten and Wheaten Hay. However, there is demand from all states for Clover Hay, and we have also seen a lift in Straw demand and sales.

8x4x3 Bales are by far the most popular type of bale, but we have seen quite a dramatic increase in 5x4 Round Bales sales just in the last week. The Roll deals are more the Farmer to Farmer ones where the freight is kept to a minimum.

The NSW Government has just announced Drought Transport Loans for Farmers looking to purchase fodder. These are 2 year interest free loans of up to $20,000. Read more here 

Don't forget when listing your Hay to include a couple of good close up photos, one of the stack, the test results and an accurate description.

28th of March to the 11th of April 2018


What it means:
Prices are $ + GST per Metric Tonne - $/mt
NS – New Season
OS – Old Season
20/10/40/650 - Protein/ME/NDF/Bale weight
Shedded – Shedded
Cap/Tarp – Capped and or Tarped
Paddock – Paddock 

Disclaimer – These prices are to be used as a guide only, there are many variables that need to be taken into consideration. Farm Tender will not be held responsible for any of the above prices

If you are looking to list your Hay or require more information go to or call contact one of the sales team

John Drum – 0408 504 561 or
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or 
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)