The general trend for Lambs was $3 to $10/head dearer at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Apr 20, 2021
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Yarding - 23,500 (-1500).
Lambs - 19,000 (+0).
Sheep - 4500 (-1500)
Similar sized offering of lambs to a week ago, but less sheep. There was more weight and finish in the lead run of export and trade lambs, however quality across the balance of the yarding remained very mixed with a lot of pens lacking fat cover. Competition was keener from both export and domestic buyers, but bidding was still selective and the market was erratic at times. The general trend was firm to $3 to $10/head dearer over the better slaughter stock. Heavy export lambs in the 30 to 33kg cwt range showed the most improvement.
A pen of extra heavy crossbred lambs estimated at 38 to 40kg cwt topped the sale at $285, well clear of the general run at $235 to$265/head. Heavy lambs in the 26 to 30kg cwt category from $206 to $230/head for most. Carcase estimates for these heavy lambs stretched from 700c to 800c/kg depending on weight and quality, for averages of 770c to 780c/kg when all sales were calculated together. The best heavy trade lambs $190 to $210/head, the pick selling above 800c but again, plainer types were discounted for a similar overall result of 770to 780c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold strongly to match crossbred lambs on a carcase basis, reaching a top of $232/head. A lot of the plainer conditioned crossbred trade lambs with frame-size sold to restockers for winter feeding at $160 to $175, occasional sales to the paddock as high as $186/head. Very small and light lambs $80 to $130/head.
Another limited selection of sheep, with several lines of big Merino wethers the feature. Competition fluctuated for a cheaper result across most categories. Heavy Merino wethers in short skins from $196 to $234/head to hold their value. Big crossbred ewes $200 to $230 for most, with just isolated sales to $250/head
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