Farm Tender

The Jillaroos and Jackaroos

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By Dwain Duxson

The Jillaroos and Jackaroos - A couple of days ago, we talked about how Farm Apprenticeships were all but non-existent in Ag, and how Ag was missing out. Read the article here


But what we love about writing this stuff is the replies we get. A couple of people pointed out that the Jackaroo/Jillaroo model is Ag's equivalent of an apprenticeship. I completely forgot about that one. But the Jillaroo/Jackaroo system isn't a shadow of what it once was. In its prime, it got non-Ag kids into Ag, and just as importantly, it got Ag kids away from their own Farm to learn some new disciplines from others.


Former Jackaroo Nic Kentish was telling us that there were waiting lists back when he was entering the game back in the early 80's. His first year's wage was $60 a week plus quarters and keep. $3120 a year. He said it was a magic way to learn the ropes, hard work but. 


And someone else reminded me of the RIST organisation. They do all types of courses that are focussed on Agriculture. They have certificates, diplomas and a bachelor of Agriculture courses, which seem to be more like an apprenticeship compared to Ag College. But I still think there could be some kind of national system that mirrored the Tradie apprenticeship model, and you could specialise in Cropping, Livestock or any other specific type of Farming. I still think we are missing out. 


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