The PAC update with Ellen Garland
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Nov 11, 2021
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For all Farm Inputs, reoccurring products, and New Equipment, check out the PAC (Prime Ag Centre) page here or call Ellen on 0418 137 224.
Once again, this week, most of the conversations I have had with members are based on the price of Fertiliser. All I can tell them is that prices continue to rise, and supply is tight.
Since September, the price of MAP has gone from $1,145.00 to $1,505.00 per tonne. DAP has been on a par with MAP. Urea has gone from $833.00 per tonne in September to $1355.00 per tonne.
So, when will fertiliser prices fall? There is talk that we won't see this until the middle of next year, but will it be that soon? Many suppliers that I talk with believe that prices won't even out for 2 or 3 years.
Over the past six months, growers are calling and requesting prices on everything that we have available and the quantities. They then base what they will use around what is the most economical. Do they buy 200 tonnes of Single Super @ $495 per tonne or 60 tonnes of DAP @ $1505 per tonne?
With so many factors playing their part in these price rises and supply issues, is this part of the "new normal?"
Please let us know your thoughts.
See what Fert is available here.
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