The trajectory up continued at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Dec 11, 2024
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Yarding: 59,708
Lamb numbers jumped this week to 40,000 drawn for. Quality had a wide range from plain to excellent with limited extra heavy lambs offered, however, shorn young lambs presented very well and were in high demand. All the usual buying group attended for the 2nd last sale of the year. The market open firm, then bounced either side of firm over the heavy lambs and the medium and light weights become dearer to back off towards the end of the sale.
More competition from store buyers on the rail early in the sale, with store lambs selling $10/head dearer. Light trade sold firm to $12/head better in places. Medium and heavy trade sold to $10 stronger for the neat well covered lambs and plainer types sold firm. Heavy export over 26kg sold to $10 dearer in places, with the top sale $333/head for shorn new season lambs.
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Lambs back to the paddock made from $15 to $156/head. Light trade lambs under 18kg to suit MK orders sold from $84 to $157/head, averaging 740c to 785c/kg cwt. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $157 to $223/head, 22 to 26kg sold $206 to $260/head, to average 850c to 930c/kg cwt. Heavy export lambs over 26kg made from $261 to $333/head, to average of 920c to 960c/kg cwt. Merino Hoggets sold well, selling from $65 to $154 and the crossbreds made from $114 to $213/head.
Mutton numbers dropped to 20,000 penned, quality ranged from plain to very good. The market opened strong, bidding was erratic throughout the market with sales to $10 either side of firm. Again, bidding intensified over the younger four tooth Merino’s. Merino wethers made from $76 to $130 for the lighter weights and over 24kg sold from $114 to $136, selling firm to $5/head dearer. Light weight Merino ewes made from $40 to $126, and the heavier weights made from $124 to $136, selling firm to $6 stronger, Heavy crossbred mutton made from $102 to $164, to be $10 to $15/head dearer and more in places. The lighter weights made from $43 to $115/head.
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