- EF Complement 8088 has the most progeny born in the last two years, followed by Te Mania Emperor E343 and Matauri Reality 839. These bulls have a combined total of 5,738 progeny born during this period.
- Of the 20 bulls with the most progeny in the last two years, 9 are imported sires, with 8 from the United States and 1 from New Zealand.
- The average Angus Breeding Index of the 20 bulls with the most progeny in the last two years is +135, which is placed in the highest 10% percentile band (when compared to 2016 drop calves). Only 2 bulls have an Angus Breeding Index that is below breed average.
- Across individual traits, the average EBVs of the 20 bulls with the most progeny in the last two years is as follows:
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