Farm Tender

United Dairy Farmers look for certainty on MG deal

Victoria’s leading voice for dairy farmers acknowledges the concerns raised by the ACCC in their preliminary assessment of the Saputo – Murray Goulburn acquisition.

On Thursday the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced concerns over the Saputo Dairy Australia proposed purchase of Murray Goulburn Co-ops Koroit dairy plant stating this will substantially lessen competition for raw milk from dairy farmers in the south-west Victoria and south-east South Australia region.

United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) president Adam Jenkins said the farmer group wants to see the farm gate milk price (FMP) remain competitive long term.

“Murray Goulburn suppliers represent more than 20% of the Australian dairy industry. Getting this deal right is extremely important to the whole industry”, said Mr Jenkins.

“Dairy farmers need stability, certainty and clarity around any potential acquisition of Murray Goulburn”.

“Ultimately we want those processors operating in Victoria to show respect to our farmers, restore trust and be committed to building a better dairy industry for the long term”.

“Strong farmgate competition and a strong milk price are imperative for the Australian dairy industry in what is a changing landscape”.

The ACCC is seeking feedback on their concerns about this acquisition by Tuesday 13 March and will hand down a final decision on Thursday 29 March 2018.