Up and down at Ballarat this week
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Mar 31, 2021
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Yarding - 37,412 (-2056)
Lambs - 28,503 (-489)
Sheep - 8909 (-1567)
Agents yarded 29,500 lambs, the quality was plain to excellent. All the usual buying group attended, but not all operated fully in a market that started much easier which gained momentum as the sale progressed to see a firm to slightly softer market in places. Light and medium trade lambs sold firm to $4/head easier, heavy trade sold $3 to $5 cheaper. Export lambs were to $4 softer and extra heavy lambs sold to a top of $326/head, to be $25/head stronger but on cwt value were firm to $5/head dearer, with an estimated cwt of 40kg+. Light weight lambs back to the paddock, sold from $86 to $186/head holding mostly firm. Lambs suiting MK orders under 18kg sold from $154 to $169/head.
Lambs to the trade 18 to 22kg sold from $163 to $199, 22 to 24kg, made from $178 to $207/head to range from 757c to 948c to average830c to 860c/kg cwt. Lambs 24 to 26kg selling from $196 to $222/head, to average 805c to 815c/kg cwt. Export 4 score 26 to 30kg lambs, sold from $206 to $243 to average 785c to 795c and over 30kg sold from $240 to $326/head to average an estimated 780c/kg cwt. Hoggets sold to $230 for crossbreds and Merino’s sold to $190/head.
A similar yarding of 8,600 sheep, all processors were present, bidding wasn’t as intense this week on the heavy and extra heavy sheep causing prices to fall up to $20/head. Light and medium weight sheep were in demand and held firm to $5/head dearer, reaching 700c/kg cwt and above in places.
Heavy Merino wethers over 24kg sold from $181 to $210, with lighter weights making from $145 to $178/head to average 685c to 700c cwt.Heavy Merino ewes sold from $168 to $234/head to average 660c to 680c/kg and heavy crossbred ewes made from $154 to $248/head, with an average of 640c to 670c/kg cwt. Merino rams sold to $192/head.
**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange (powered by Farm Tender). Starting at 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 for more information
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