Up and down Lamb sale at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Apr 16, 2021
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Yarding - 44,000 (+1500).
Lambs - 37,000 (+3000).
Sheep - 7500 (-1500)
Numbers jumped significantly with producers continuing to sew or preparing paddocks for cropping. Trade weight lambs 21kg to 24kg were well supplied and quality was fair to very good. Extra-heavy lamb classes presented with plenty of finish; however buyers preferred lambs weighing more than 30kg carcase weight. A full field of buyers were in attendance, and most were operating. Local restockers were few this week while northern feedlot buyers were keen to buy lambs from 21 to 24kg.
In the trade market, major domestic processors led the way picking the top drafts from each agents run. Prices for trade lambs sold to softer trends of $5 to $6/head. Lambs weighing 22kg to 24kg, sold $5 dearer to average 813c/kg cwt. Merino trade lambs sold to a bigger group of processors and all categories sold to significantly cheaper price trends. Heavy merino trade lambs averaged 709c/kg carcase weight. Young lambs returning to the paddock and to feed on, with weight and frame, sold from $168 to $214/head.
There was a full field of export buyers in attendance. However, not all were operating fully. Heavy and extra heavy lambs sold to very erratic demand with prices varying greatly as the sale progressed. Heavy lambs 24kg to 26kg eased $7 averaging 787c/kg cwt. Lambs 26kg to 30kgmet patchy demand resulting in a price drop of $12 to average 777c/kg cwt. Big, extra heavy lambs over 30kg carcase weight sold $9 cheaper recording a top price of $285 to average 737c/kg cwt.
It was a very mixed quality yarding of mutton, with heavy sheep in good supply. Heavy ewes sold to weaker demand with a not all processors operating. Heavy crossbred ewes averaged 643c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred wethers recorded a top price of $256/head. Trade sheep buyers were few causing a price drop of $3 to $14 to average 608c to 672c/kg cwt.
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