Farm Tender

Video - All you need to know about the Growth Farms Australian Agricultural Lease Fund

This edition features a video looking at key aspects of our recently established Growth Farms Australian Agricultural Lease Fund.

Watch the video here -

This fund will see the strategic acquisition of farmland assets, which are then leased to experienced third parties for operation. This will provide exposure to agricultural investment in a low risk way, as operational risks associated with climate and commodity price fluctuations are avoided. The Fund income will be a combination of lease income and appreciation of land values.

Central to the fund is an acknowledgement that many of Australia’s farming operations are short on capital. They have good managers, good natural assets, and good business models, but capital constraints can prevent them from realising their full potential.

The Australian Agricultural Lease Fund will provide an opportunity for these good farming operators to expand their businesses without the requirement to find the capital to purchase the land.

For investors the opportunity is to invest in a low risk agricultural opportunity that provides diversification from the traditional asset classes of equities and property.