Farm Tender

WAFarmers worried that less than half of Wool growers hold AWI shares

In 2017, there were over 60,000 wool levy payers and only 24,000 shareholders. WAFarmers Vice President Steve McGuire said WAFarmers is encouraging all Western Australian wool growers who are AWI levy payers to become a shareholder so they can have their say on the future of AWI.

“Being an AWI shareholder entitles wool growers to shape the decision making processes within the organisation.

“Paying AWI levies gives growers the opportunity to vote on the levy rate, however being an AWI shareholder will give growers the option to vote on board elections and motions at future AGMs in addition to voting on levy rates,” he said.

“There are a number of recommendations that have come out of the recently released EY Strategic Review of AWI that may require shareholder approval and therefore it is particularly important for wool growers to check their shareholder status to ensure they are eligible to have their say on any changes.

“With WA being significant contributors to the national wool clip, it is essential that more WA wool growers become AWI shareholders to have input into the direction of AWI,” said Mr McGuire.

Wool growers can determine if they are a shareholder by calling Link Market Services on 1800 113 373 (free call). Find out more here -