Farm Tender

Wanted - Good industry people to join the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework’s Steering Group (SSG)

Exceptional individuals from across the Australian beef value chain with a passion for driving long-term sustainability are invited to apply to join the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework’s (Framework) Steering Group (SSG).

The Red Meat Advisory Council who oversee the framework, are calling for Expressions of Interest for the SSG from Australian producers, lot feeders, livestock exporters, manufacturers and retailers.

Independent Chair of the Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC), Mr Don Mackay, says being part of the SSG is an exciting opportunity to contribute to ensuring continual improvement in the industry in order to meet customer and other stakeholders’ expectations.

“You can be part of a select group that will build on the Framework’s achievements. In the past year alone, the SGG has played a central role picking six priority areas for industry action, the annual report and identifying a path forward.”

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“Critically we are now at the point in the process that we need to ensure that the message is out there – on farm, in feedlots, in processing, in transport – that sustainability is an opportunity for the Australian beef industry and one that we all need to address and capitalise,” Mr Mackay says.

“Sustainability is a whole-of-supply chain approach and we call on talented individuals from pre and post farm gate to get involved.”

Chair of the SSG, Mr Bryce Camm will step down from the SSG at their next meeting in November to take up a role as President of Australian Lot Feeders Association.

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Mr Camm says being part of the SSG is a great opportunity for people to express their passion for the sector and help drive a critical process for the future prosperity of the industry.

“I will continue to be a strong advocate for the Frameworks continued success and more importantly work towards a sustainable future for our industry,” the outgoing Chair says.

The Sustainability Steering Group (SSG) brings together leaders from across the beef value chain, from farm to retail, to progress the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework, a project that supports the longevity and future prosperity of the industry. The 2017 SSG Terms of Reference can be found here.

Launched in April 2017, the Framework was developed by industry in collaboration with stakeholders to meet the evolving expectations of consumers, customers, investors and other stakeholders. It defines sustainable beef production in an Australian context and tracks performance in animal welfare, economic resilience, environmental stewardship, and people and the community.

Jim Cudmore will also step down from the SSG. Jim has been a driving force in the framework, having led the initial review in 2014 of how the Australian beef industry could promote its sustainability credentials, and through extensive consultation and work developed into the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework.

“I have been involved since the start and believe that the time is right for fresh input into the future development of the Framework,” Jim says.

“I remain passionate about continual improvement for the beef industry, telling our story through meaningful data and analysis, and most importantly providing businesses with the tools that provide real impact.”

How to apply
To nominate please send a copy of your CV and brief cover letter to

Nominations close on 9 November, 2018 and it is anticipated that appointments will be made in November.

People who can demonstrate knowledge in one of the Framework’s themes (animal welfare, economic resilience, environmental stewardship, and people and the community) or the six priorities for industry action will be looked upon favourably.

Efforts will also be made for the SSG to include representatives from different parts of the value chain and regions of Australia.

Responsibilities of the SSG include:
   * Reporting to RMAC on the Framework and actions the beef industry is taking to be sustainable
   * Managing the Framework, including providing direction to framework Secretariat on tracking, measuring and reporting against the Framework’s indicators to ensure the priorities, indicators and data are accurate, credible and reflect stakeholder input;
   * Advising industry on where research, adoption, policy or communication activity is required to meet the expectations of our customers and other stakeholders; and
   * Promoting the Framework through events, media and social media.

There are 4-6 meetings held a year.