We might be the ghosts one day
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Nov 13, 2024
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By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast
We might be the ghosts one day - I had many replies to the story about ghost jobs. Take a read here. There is a good image I put up that summarises what we are talking about. See it near the bottom of the page. These were some of the many replies we got:
This probably sums it up: "It's glorified welfare in disguise, and those of us that actually make things are subsidising it". They create these roles to make it harder (red tape) for the people that are doing things as this Farmer outlined: "The red tape industry takes a lot of resources, money and unnecessary running costs". One lady said this: "We might be the ghosts one day".
The Farmers Club - For Ag Enthusiasts. Join The Farmers Club here.
This is what's happening in one Farmer's area: "Electricians, Truckies and other qualified people left their work and joined Parks Victoria as leaders and getting paid really well to do bugger all, and without the stresses of running a business. They are going from paying taxes to being paid by taxes".
To me, that last one is a real worry. Will we become a nation that lacks initiative, with creatives and doers dumbing themselves down in exchange for this so-called easy lifestyle? That's not what our country was built on. As for Ag let's keep it an industry that rewards people that get stuff done. Do you think you could do something that achieves nothing and take a pay packet for it? Reply to dwaind@farmtender.com.au
End of message.
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