Farm Tender

Weaker demand for lighter Mutton as price fall at Bendigo

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Yarding - 24,000 (-8000).
Lambs - 14,000 (-4000).
Sheep - 10,000 (-4000).

It was a smaller yarding to end the selling year, with 14,000 lambs and 10,000 sheep. Lamb quality was again very mixed, with not a lot of weight or fat cover evident across the yarding. Shorn lambs are now providing the best processor quality, and most agents led with these ahead of the unshorn young lambs still coming in. Any lambs above 24kg cwt with good carcase finish were $5 to $10/head dearer, while there wasn't much price change for the general run of plainer trade weights. Store lamb quality was also plainer with smaller and lighter weight types on offer.

There were some stand-out extra heavy shorn lambs up to 34kg cwt which Bendigo hasn't seen for some weeks. The heaviest shorn lambs over 30kg cwt sold from $212 to a top of $247, while the pick of the heavy trade weights, 24-26kg cwt made from $185 to $202/head. These well finished lambs were estimated from 720c to 760c/kg cwt. There was not as much weight in the lead run of young woolly lambs which sold from $180 to $198/head for a similar carcase price result to the shorn pens at 750c/kg cwt. The general run of plainer unshorn young lambs, 18-22kg, $135 to $165 with most remaining in an estimated range of 700c to 730c/kg cwt. There was, however, still sales below 700c/kg cwt for mixed and smaller pen lots of a few head. There wasn't the frame or breed quality across most of the store lambs compared to last week. Most smaller lambs to the paddock made from $80 to $120/head.

Another good yarding of sheep met with much weaker and erratic demand from buyers. After a handful of solid sales early in the auction, bidding lost momentum and any mixed lots of ewes lacking weight and condition were severely discounted, compared to the rates of the past month. Prices eased by $10 to $30/head. Any bigger lines of Merino sheep in good condition held their value the best.

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