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- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- May 26, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson
Our new in-house Livestock Agent Jack Henshaw has started with a bang. Already he has put some Sheep and Cattle deals together, provided a Tractor to sell from his Family Farm and has stitched up a large agistment deal.
We have settled our pricing for Commercial Livestock at 1.5% on the Farm Tender Livestock Exchange, which will feature Sheep, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle and Goats.
We are also looking for anyone who wants to market their Livestock forward. By that, we mean if you know a month or two in advance what you have to sell (roughly), then we are happy to get them out there in advance and get eyeballs on them. We believe this has distinct advantages.
For further information, or you just want to run something past Jack, give him a call on 0407 902 941. He is all ears.
The trends for Machinery and Equipment for the 7 days just gone, have been Tractors, Stockcrates, Livestock Feeding Equipment, Sheep Handlers, GPS Equipment and Boomsprayers.
Jackie sold this 2016 Fast 9613N 5000L x 27 m Tow Behind Boomspray for $3k below the listed price.
The Hay sales have been picking up, with only a slight adjustment in pricing. Check out last weeks Hay Report here.
The Seed market has quietened down as Cropping draws to a close.
The primary Bulk Grain sales were Peas, Oats, Wheat and even some Triticale.
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