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- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Sep 09, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson.
We have a fresh Hay Report out. Check it out here. Hot off the keyboard last night.
It was good to see some rain around in the Eastern states last week, much needed in spots. Sad to hear there was some frost damage in the Northern Wheatbelt of WA. The detail is a bit scratchy, but we hear there is plenty of Crops being cut as we speak.
The weeks just keep rolling into each other as far as Machinery and Equipment sales are concerned. It was another good week.
Keep those listings coming as it's a great time to sell. Yell out to one of the staff if you need a hand with something.
The trends for the week were Header Fronts (Draper, Stripper, Pick up), Field Bins don't last long, Headers (under $100k), Hay Rakes, Self Propelled Windrowers, Feed Mixer Wagons and Chaser Bins, which are limited supply.
Paul sold this 2018 Shelbourne XCV42 Stripper Front for $5k below the listed price.
It's interesting to witness (through our Prime Ag Centre) the rise in prices of Fertiliser and Chemicals. A fair bit of it has to do with supply. Stuff is hard to get at the best of time, and when it becomes available, it's snapped up pretty quick. We are starting to see Farmers plan ahead earlier, knowing they will need such products down the track. That alone puts pressure on supply.
See below what the sales guys had to say for this week.
Paul said: With some really good rainfall around the traps, we are in the hunt for a handy/ripping Harvest depending on where you are and how much rain you got/missed at the start of the season. Machinery is fairly dominant as far as sales go, with Harvest gear right up at the pointy end.
Quality gear is being looked at and purchased in a prompt manner, and with the squeeze on for Harvest Contractors, we are seeing a lot of older/cheaper type Headers selling instead of growers relying on Contractors. Hopefully, things start to settle down, and people can access the Labour they require over Harvest.
Mike said: Headers and Windrowers are selling very well. There has been a slight swing back to older headers as people are looking to harvest their own crops, with Field Bins being popular as well.
I hear there is a push to try and open up the borders for Harvest staff but this hasn't been confirmed just yet
Shane said: Shane was on leave at the time of writing.
Jack has never seen the Cattle market as hot as it was yesterday. Sheep too. Check out the FTLE report below.
As for Grains, we sold parcels of Feed Corn for around $305, Triticale for $280, Wheat for a touch over $300, and Lupins for $420. All prices are Ex Farm.
Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.
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