What's Hot
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Sep 15, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson
I do a live video report on Facebook each week titled "Top Sellers for Machinery and Equipment". It's been happening for about 3 years now, I read out each item we sold for the week that was $10k and over. Eg, "2016 Lely Welger RP 445 Round Baler with 2338 bales on the clock for $40k"... You get the picture.
Last week it was the biggest list ever, so it just shows you how hot the market has been. Go to our Facebook page here.
Whether that continues will depend on the weather, prices, costs, overall demand and supply and many other things. Already we are seeing some frost damage and some areas tightening up, but generally, conditions are pretty good, and the outlook is favourable.
For Machinery and Equipment in the last 7 days, the trends have been Silos, Field Bins, Windrowers, Headers (under $100k), Round Balers, Hay Rakes, Vetch Hay, Mower Conditioners and Tractors.
Jim sold this John Deere 910 Mower Conditioner through the last Auction for $22k + GST
Check out our latest Hay Report here.
See what the sales guys observed over the last week.
Shane said - With the Hay job getting closer, we see enquiries increase for Hay gear like Windrowers, Mower Conditioners, Rakes, Drop-Decks, Flat Top Trailers and the odd Baler. We are now noticing more ads popping up for Standing Crops for Hay, so if you have anything you would like to sell or on a share basis, keep an eye out on our WANTED section for anything that might suit
Mike said - Harvest Gear is still all the go. With a few South and Western Australia areas getting frosts, there are questions about whether to cut or not to cut. They are sussing out the Hay market and whether they should be purchasing some Hay gear or let it go for Harvest. Spreaders and Spray rigs are still very popular.
Paul said - What's Hot? The Melbourne Demons for one! Harvest is fast approaching, and there are some reports of frost damage around the traps, mainly from WA and some parts of SA. Also, hearing there is quite a bit of Vetch being cut but quite a lot more being bombed out, which might influence the pricing of the end product if the weather behaves while curing. There has been a lot of talk about new season pricing, and i think it will all be guesswork until it's in the bale. If nothing else, last season has shown us that quality has a massive say on the saleability, especially at the minute with most Livestock markets thriving.
As for Livestock, it was Calves, Heifers and Bulls that sold well. Read more in the FTLE report above.
On the Grain front, the main seller was Feed Oats, in around that $215 a tonne Ex Farm.
Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.
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