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- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Oct 08, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson
See the latest Hay report here, hot off the keyboards last night.
Fertiliser and Chemical prices are off the charts ATM, at the time of writing, our resident Fert and Chem expert Ellen "PAC" Garland says that the market price for Urea is at $1015 a tonne and MAP is at $1170 a tonne.
She is also telling me Glyphosate 450 is going to be $11 a litre soon. Then there are the supply issues. Read Ellen's more detailed report below and text her if you want to get the weekly Fertiliser report.
And putting it into perspective, if you have got a decent Crop of Canola, then one load out of the paddock roughly pays for one load of Fertiliser in, and most who grow Canola will have many more loads go out than Fertiliser coming in.
It was another strong week for Machinery and Equipment sales, with the trends being Tipper, Flat Top and Drop Deck Trailers, all very popular. Augers, Silos, Field Bins, Hay Rakes, Harrows, Tractors, Used Tyres and Mower Conditioners were also popular.
Shane sold these 2014 Gippsland Body Builders set of Triple Tipper Trailers for $15k below the listed price.
This is what the sales guys had to say this week.
Shane said - With a big Grain harvest forecasted ahead, we are seeing and hearing more people wanting Tipper Trailers. The stock levels of these in new and second hand is the lowest we have seen for some time. As soon as one (good one) is advertised, they are selling nearly as soon as they are listed and sometimes above market value due to the shortage. So if you have one that you no longer require or have upgraded, please advertise it on Farm Tender so we can link you up with the many buyers that want one..
Mike said - Harvest has been pushed back approximately 10 days from the weather system that has just gone through, so it looks like Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales should be starting to harvest around about the third week of October now. Anything to do with Harvest is still in high demand Machinery wise, especially Grain Storage items. There has also been some recent activity/sales on Hay gear. Farmers are still thinking forward and any quality Air Seeders, Combines and Drills are still being sold in preparation for next year's plantings.
Paul said - The latest weather front has dumped rain over a fairly wide area, we are seeing mixed reports on what fell. It seems this event was very stormy, with properties as little as 10klms away recording drastically different totals. Croppers will be happy that they should milk everything out of the Crop. For some, this will be the third year where above average yields are recorded. Something that isn't all that common. Here's hoping for favourable weather over the next 2 months when things will really start to fire up. Harvest gear is still hot on the site, with Field Bins, Augers, Headers, Fronts and Trailers seeming to be very popular!
Check out what happened in Livestock above.
As for Grain, we sold Peas (around $360-$405 a tonne), Feed Corn (around $300 a tonne), Lentils (around $840 a tonne) and Barley (around $245-260 a tonne). Note, all these prices are Ex Farm.
Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.
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