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- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Oct 27, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson
We are starting to see some drier conditions, and this is helping no end with the guys doing Hay right as we speak. Check out last week Hay Report here
It's been another pretty good week for Machinery and Equipment sales. The trends for the last 7 days were Case Headers, Chaser Bins, Tipper Trailers, Airseeders, Sprayers, Mower Conditioners, Silos and Sheep Handling Gear. There is a real shortage of some of these items.
Speaking of shortages, one frustrated Farmer said, "There must be a bloody big ship coming in April because they are all telling me nothing will come until then". Going by the article above, it might be a longer wait than that.
Some Chaser Bins and Mother Bins are selling for near-new prices. Such is the demand.
I worked out we have sold around 70 Case IH 2388 Headers over the years. As I have mentioned in the past, Headers have been hard to sell up until last year, but the old 2388 is by far the most popular selling Header. We have sold 3 in the last week and a half.
Shane sold this 2000 Case IH 2388 Header with 36ft Draper Front for the listed price. It was only up for a short period.
In the Grain market, we have been selling Lupins at $390 a tonne, Feed Barley at $280 a tonne, Triticale at $225 a tonne, and Teff Seed at $6 a kg. All prices are Ex Farm.
This is what the sales guys said happened this week:
Mike said - Grain Storage items are popular at present. Farmers are still looking for good Semi Tippers and paddock Trucks for Harvest.
Good quality Air Seeders and Disc Seeders are in demand. ATV's are in demand with new rules coming in not long ago, with some of the big players pulling out of the market, also having a bit of a late run on Hay Equipment right now.
Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.
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