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- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Nov 11, 2021
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Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am. www.farmtender.com.au
By Dwain Duxson
In last week's Hay Report, we talk about "Peak Hay" and whether the Hay market can return to the heady heights of a couple of years ago.
There is a real concern out there as to how much the weather is going to affect this Harvest. The Northern NSW and Southern Queensland Harvest is already a stop-start affair.
This has led to some form of panic buying of things like Headers and other Harvest Equipment. Farmers, rightly so, have one mission, and that's to get the Crop off as fast as they can.
Watching the Machinery and Equipment market over the Harvest period will be interesting. It could be a great period to sell, but please, make sure you describe your items as they are, as many buyers will be buying sight unseen. Your reputation as a seller is at stake here.
And we all know everyone will be going flat stick. That's understandable. But make sure you stay safe and avert danger.
So the trends for Machinery and Equipment over the last 7 days were Headers, Augers, Hay Rakes, Header Fronts, Chaser Bins, Field Bins, Tipper Trailers, Tow-Behind Windrowers and Stockcrates.
Shane sold this 2006 Dunstan 18 tonne Chaser Bin for the listed price. The item was listed and sold in under 24 hours.
On the Grain front, we sold Faba Beans at around the $415 a tonne mark, parcels of Field Peas at around $410 a tonne, and Oats at $210 a tonne. We also sold some Timok Vetch Seed at $700 a tonne, and Millet Seed between $2 and $2.20 a kg. All prices are Ex Farm.
This is what the sales guys said happened this week:
Mike said -
With the weather the way it is now and the stop-start nature of the Harvest in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland, it's putting pressure back on Contractors. They are getting calls from further South but have to finish the Harvest where they are first.
Harvest gear is still popular, with good quality items selling reasonably quickly. Grain storage is still a hot item.
Quality Seeding gear is still being sought after. Farmers are getting in early to replace planters for next year.
Shane said - A busy week with lots of sales leading into a late Harvest. With the uncertainty of the weather and contractors caught up North, we are seeing a late rush on Headers and Fronts. Also, we are seeing some Hay and Grain buyers come into the market for the exact reason with the rain causing havoc, with buyers not wanting to miss out. It seems like last years "Shedded" Hay may come back into play this season.
Paul said - With Harvest already cracking along for some and others still gearing up, things have remained pretty similar over the last week. We are hearing some good reports so far with Harvest, with Canola yields and oils trekking along pretty well so far. The weather will be very interesting over the next week or so, with plenty of area's looking at predicted rain in the forecast.
Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.
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