Farm Tender

What's Hot

Extracted from the Farm Tender weekly Newsletter - Sign up and get the email every Wednesday morning before 6 am.

By Dwain Duxson

The dynamics of the domestic Hay industry have changed slightly. See here our latest Hay report here, hot off the keyboards last night.


In the past, things have started to taper off in the lead up to Christmas, not this year, it's the opposite. Last week was as strong a week as we have had, with all our divisions, (FT, PAC, FTA & FTLE) contributing to what was a strong team effort.


Farmers have started to plan forward more, work out what they need earlier than usual. That is why we are seeing a focus on things like Inputs, Seed, and Seeding Equipment right now in the middle of Harvest. In the past, this might have been left to after Harvest.


On the Machinery and Equipment front, the trends were, Tippers (rare), Chaser Bins (rare also), Airseeders and Drills, Tractors, Headers, Used Tyres and Rims, Pick Up Fronts and Stockcrates


Paul sold this 1992 White TOA Tri-Axle Tipper for the listed price. The item was listed at 10 am and was gone by noon.


Our Livestock (FTLE) category keeps growing, with some good results for vendors in the last couple of weeks. One seller said, "I'm not a tight ass, but 1.5 percent commission means I put more in my own pocket". 


Ewe Lambs purchased as Breeder has been the trend in the last week.


On the Grain side of things, we sold Lupins at $400 a tonne, Field Pea Screenings at $300 a tonne, Feed Oats at $180, $190 and $200 a tonne. All prices are ex Farm.




This is what the sales guys said happened this week:


Shane said - The past week has been manic, to say the least, with lots of Harvest gear being brought by Farmers needing 2nd Headers, Chaser Bins, etc, to get the Crop off asap before the next weather event. I am hearing that there is a lot of downgraded Crops out there and some completely lost due to the conditions, which is very disappointing considering the potential this season had.


Paul said - We have seen more enquiry regarding Harvest Gear, but with a lot of rain around in certain area's we are seeing the focus change a bit as people look for a plan B. Enquiry on new season Hay is also on the up. There are also some people out there looking for Grain due to a combination of Feed requirements and contract shortages. Those who aren't wet seem to be going flat out getting the Crop off. With some good yields coming off, it seems to be one of those years where things are constantly changing. 


Mike said - On the machinery side, Harvest gear is still very popular with the late run on Headers and some smaller Chaser Bins. Grain Storage is still popular. Demand for Grain Bag Inloaders and Outloaders is high, so if anyone has any and are thinking of selling, Ring us.


Airseeders are still popular, along with Direct Drills and Combines.

Speaking with one farmer in the Riverina, he is looking to buy an extra Header as he cannot source Contractors to help him finish his Crop.




Keep those listings coming and see what else sold here.