Farm Tender

What to do if you encounter trespassers on your property

Following the launch of the Aussie Farms online interactive map earlier this week, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), in partnership with the red meat industry and National Farmers Federation (NFF), is providing information and advice to red meat producers.

This includes background information about the website, what actions they should consider taking now and what to do if they encounter trespassers on their property.

NFF and the red meat industry is deeply concerned that personal details of individual properties are featured on this site - given that many of these farms are also family homes. Trespassing on farms or entry without prior permission presents a substantial biosecurity risk that could be detrimental to the health and well-being of livestock, it also presents a safety risk for farming families and their employees.

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Background information
Animal rights organisation Aussie Farms has publicly released an interactive online map claiming that it contains the exact locations of thousands of farms and abattoirs and includes photos, videos and documents. The locations mapped are not limited to red meat and cover all types of agricultural industries as well as the pet industry.

The information has been collected over several years and we understand that previously has only been available to a number of activists. The map includes inaccurate and out of date information.

The website is registered in the name of Aussie Farms Incorporated – an incorporated association registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission.

Red meat producers should consider the advice put forward from the NFF. This includes three simple steps that producers can take right away:

   * Is your property on the farm map? Check the map by visiting 
   * Request removal. Contact Aussie Farms to remove your details from the site.
   * File a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Importantly, if you find images or other media linked to your property that may be the result of trespassing by activists, you should promptly refer the page to the police, via Crime Stoppers.

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More information is available via the NFF here.

If you do encounter a trespasser on your property, the following steps are recommended:
   * Call Crimestoppers or the police to report the intrusion.
   * Ensure the safety of your family, farmworkers and livestock.
   * Request that the trespassers identify themselves and explain why they are on your property.
   * Inform them the police have been called and calmly ask them to leave your property.
   * When able, compile a written record of what happened and update your Biosecurity records
   * Notify your local RSPCA and Department of Primary Industries.

Unauthorised entry onto your property is a potential risk to your biosecurity, to animal health and welfare and to the safety of your employees and family. Members of the public have no right to enter private property or carry out property inspections without prior permission.

Be vigilant, keep an eye out for unusual activity and take note of unauthorised vehicles on or near your property. Speak to your neighbours and ask them to be alert. If you or your staff encounter trespassers on your property, you should stay calm and act in a rational manner.